Psoriasis Light Treatment - Using Ultraviolet Light To Cure Psoriasis- By: Oscar B Dewsbury

Description : Whilst light therapy for psoriasis has been around for a while, advancements are still being made in delivering the most effective course of treatment available using ultraviolet light therapy. The more recent additions to the options that are available are generally thought to have a greater effect on a persons psoriasis, whilst reducing exposure to UV rays as much as possible and thus minimizing any potential side effects.

Psoriasis light treatment using a UVB lamp is considered a safe and effective method of dealing with the problem. Whilst originally only broad band UVB lamps where available, narrow band UVB treatment is gaining in popularity. The main difference is that narrow band UVB uses a smaller range of ultraviolet light, and initial results suggest that it works faster at reducing the visible signs of psoriasis. Whichever type of UVB therapy that is in use, it is necessary for the patient to visit their doctor for several sessions a week, and for a period of several months before treatment can be concluded.

For many folk who would rather self administer their own treatment, they might be tempted to presume they can get the same results as medically supervised UVB treatment by using a subbed at their local salon. However, most sunbeds in commercial use at high street salons only emit UVA light, which on its own is entirely useless as a form of psoriasis light treatment. It is possible to buy UVB therapy equipment similar to that used by your doctor for your home. However, you would normally require a prescription form your doctor to be permitted to buy such equipment, as well as be given full training on how to use it safely.

Whilst UVA light in itself is not effective in the treatment of psoriasis, when combined with certain medication it is often used for more serious or stubborn cases of the disease. The medication is question, psoriases, can be administered as both a topical application or taken orally in tablet form. Psoriases has a light-sensitizing effect on the skin, allowing the UVA light to penetrate the skin more deeply. Known as PUVA treatment, the combined use of psoriases and aggressive UVA light exposure does come with the baggage of more serious side effects than UVB light therapy for psoriasis. Whilst in the short term patients may experience some degree of nausea, the long term implications can mean an increased risk of skin cancer and premature ageing of the skin.

Considering there is no guaranteed cure for the condition, psoriasis light treatment using UVB light therapy is one of the safest and most effective ways of dealing with it. Once treatment has concluded and the visible signs of psoriasis gone, regular check ups are required to monitor your condition. Maintenance sessions of light therapy every couple of weeks or so are often required to ensure the psoriasis does not resurface, and to extend a period of remission. Unfortunately, failing to continue with regular maintenance sessions does often result in the re-emergence of the disease.

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Author Resource : Learn more about how you can be free from psoriasis, and discover some great ways of tackling psoriasis!